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Outreach Initiatives

The Trail Research Hub undertakes research, education, and outreach initiatives to support sustainable trail development, construction, and maintenance across Canada while establishing best practice guidelines for trails governance and management.


The Trail Research Hub is pleased to support outreach initiatives related to sustainable trail development, construction, and maintenance across Canada and to assist with facilitating
the adoption of best practice guidelines for
trails governance and management.

As such, members of the Hub offer the following
Outreach Services:

Educational Workshops and Conference Hosting
Community and Stakeholder Consultation

Facilitation of Townhall Meetings

Strategic Planning

    Marketing & Communication Plans

Funding Application Development

Government Relations                                  Project Development

Trail Master Planning                            Tourism Concept Planning

Signage Plans                                              Social Media Planning

Grant Writing                                                     Letters of Support

Past Outreach Initiatives

You can learn more about our past outreach initiatives below.

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Virtual National Roundtable
on Risk Management

Professional Development Workshop

The Ontario Trails Council and the Canadian Trails Federation co-hosted a virtual National Roundtable on Risk Management on February 22nd and 23rd 2022. The Roundtable was sponsored by Intact Public Entities with the Trail Research Hub providing logistical support. This two day event included sessions on insurance and legal liability in trails and activity transportation and best practices for assessing and managing risks on trails.


To support this initiative, the Trail Research Hub coordinated Planning Committee Meetings, spearheading the identification and recruitment of speakers, designed and implemented a social media advertising campaign, coordinated same-day logistics (including virtually hosting the event), and spearheaded post-event production and distribution of recordings and educational materials, including curating a digital archive.

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Group of Seven Lake Superior Trail (Marathon, Ontario)

Funding Application Support

The Group of Seven Lake Superior Trail is developing an interpretative program about the history, heritage and natural features of the Northshore of Lake Superior which inspired the Group of Seven artists, to accompany the development of their accessible trail that meets the AODA requirements for accommodating persons with physical disabilities and limitations, while broadening the appeal of the Trail as a destination.

To support this community-driven project, Kirsten Spence is providing funding application support leveraging grant writing skills, and her knowledge of the benefits of trails and accessible outdoor recreation, to generate competitive grant applications. Kirsten has also presented deputations in support of the project to the Town Council, successfully securing Municipal support and funds for the project.


Hastings Destination Trails
(Hastings County, Ontario)

Trails Alignment Project Support

Hastings Destination Trails, Inc. (HDTI) is undertaking a Recreational Trails Alignment Project with the aim of ensuring the financial sustainability of their organization, and its capacity to provide planning assistance, resources, and education support to Hastings County and their 14 member municipalities and two conservation authorities as they move forward with making Hastings County a trail destination for recreational trail users.

To support this community-driven project, Kelsey Johansen worked with members of the Committee to generate their final research, recommendations and implementation report, leveraging her knowledge and understanding of sustainable governance and financial transparency best practices for non-profit organizations, to ensure development of a viable financial model for the organization.

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The Hydrocut Trails
(Waterloo, Ontario)

Funding Application Support

The Hydrocut (a Committee of the Waterloo Cycling Club) is undertaking a series of trail expansion initiatives. To support this community-driven project, Kelsey Johansen worked with members of the Committee, assisting with funding applications, leveraging her grant writing skills, knowledge of the benefits of trails and accessible outdoor recreation, and stakeholder engagement, to generate competitive grant applications.

This collaboration resulted in a successful Canada Healthy Communities Initiatives (CHCI) Round 2 Grant application with the Hydrocut's Building Trails, Building Community: The Hydrocut 'Trails for All' Expansion receiving $15,000 under the CHCI safe and vibrant spaces theme to develop new low-risk, high-excitement trails that allows cyclists of all ages and abilities to build skills and progress their abilities. Additionally, this collaboration has resulted in a successful Canada Community Revitalization Fund application valued at $22,500 to support further trail expansion in the Waterloo Region!


Publications arising from these collaborations, including academic papers,

white papers, and other outputs (like Infographics, maps and

audiovisual materials) created by members of the Trail Research Hub

can be access by clicking the button below.


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The Trail Research Hub

Toronto, Canada

© 2024 The Trail Research Hub

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