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Our Publications

The Trail Research Hub publishes a diverse array of materials, aimed at supporting
the professionalization of the Canadian Trails sector, while furthering
evidence-based practices and decision-making in trails.


Publications include: academic articles, conference presentations and abstracts, workshops slideshows, white papers, and other outputs (like Infographics, maps and audiovisual materials),  as well as our bi-annual newsletter and  blog posts, all of which are created by members of the Trail Research Hub, student researchers studying at Universities whom have established partnership with Hub Researchers,or are derived from partnerships with the wider Canadian and International Trails Communities.

When possible, publications are made freely available to collaborators, community stakeholders and interested parties to promote knowledge sharing, and transparency leading to sustainable trail development, construction, and maintenance and to assist with establishing best practice guidelines
for trails governance and management.

Some publications may not be available due to copyright issues, or as a result of agreements with trail organizations who have commissioned a specific study. If a publication you are interested in is not available, please email us.

Read and download our latest publications below.

The Hub's Publications

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Thunder Bay Region Mountain Bike User Survey

The Blacksheep Mountain Bike Club Thunder Bay Region Mountain Bike User Survey is a joint collaboration between researchers affiliated with the Trail Research Hub, the University of Waterloo's Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies and Lakehead University's School of Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism, and community partners, including the Blacksheep Mountain Bike Club.

Summary Coming Soon...

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Insuring Ontario's Trails Survey 

The Insuring Ontario's Trails Survey was designed and implemented by the Ontario Trails Council with analytical support for the survey provided by researchers affiliated with the Trail Research Hub and he University of Waterloo's Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies.

Summary Coming Soon...

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Grand Watershed Trail Network Recreation and Tourism Project

The Grand Watershed Trails Network Project is a joint collaboration between the researchers affiliated with the Trail Research Hub and the University of Waterloo's Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, as well as community partners, including the Grand Watershed Trail Network, Regional Tourism Organizations
(RTO 1RTO 3, and RTO 4), and Six Nations Tourism.

Summary Coming Soon...

The Hub's Student Publications

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The Bruce Trails Conservancy
COVID-19 and Trails
Media Analysis

This student-lead, researcher supported, project was undertaken by undergraduate students at the University of Waterloo, as a part of the Winter 2021 Ontario Trails Integrated Curriculum Design (ICD) Projects.

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The Bruce Trails Conservancy
Effective Communication with Trail Users

This student-lead, researcher supported, project was undertaken by undergraduate students at the University of Waterloo, as a part of the Winter 2021 Ontario Trails Integrated Curriculum Design (ICD) Projects.

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The Bruce Trails Conservancy
Social Media

This student-lead, researcher supported, project was undertaken by undergraduate students at the University of Waterloo, as a part of the Winter 2021 Ontario Trails Integrated Curriculum Design (ICD) Projects.

Other Hub Publications

Learn all about current issues impacting trails as well as our current projects, educational and outreach initiatives, funding and hiring updates, and the latest news, or view media coverage of work being doing by our affiliated Researchers and Community Liaisons between volumes of our newsletter by checking out our Blog.

Catch up on past volumes of our newsletter including research, education, outreach, and advocacy updates, as well as trail project updates, and funding and hiring announcements, when and where appropriate, here.

View our media, including recording speaking engagement such as keynote addresses at industry and academic events and conferences, leading and facilitating workshops, and providing guest lectures at Universities and Colleges, here.

Copyright Notice

Publications, including newsletters, blog posts, academic papers, white papers, and other outputs (like Infographics, maps and audiovisual materials) are made freely available to collaborators, community stakeholders and interested parties to promote knowledge sharing, and transparency leading to sustainable trail development, construction, and maintenance and to assist with establishing best practice guidelines for trails governance and management.

All of the information and material provided here, inclusive of text, images, logos, infographics, maps and audiovisual materials, product names, etc., is either the
property of, or used with permission by, The Trail Research Hub and
its affiliated Researchers, Community Liaisons and Collaborators.

This information may not be distributed, modified, displayed, reproduced

– in whole or in part – without the prior written permission from, and acknowledgement of, the Trail Research Hub and its Researchers, Community Liaisons and Collaborators.


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The Trail Research Hub

Toronto, Canada

© 2024 The Trail Research Hub

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