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Trekking in Snow

Education Initiatives

The Trail Research Hub undertakes research, education, and outreach initiatives to support sustainable trail development, construction, and maintenance across Canada while establishing best practice guidelines for trails governance and management.


The Trail Research Hub undertakes education initiatives to support sustainable trail development, construction, and maintenance across Canada and to establish best practice guidelines for trails governance and management.

As such, members of the Hub offer the following
Educational Services:

University Course Design and Delivery

University and College Guest Lectures

Community Service Learning          Integrated Curriculum Design

Community-Based Workshop Design and Delivery

Trail Tourism Assessments
Trail Tourism, User Experience and Trail Design Workshops

Past Education Initiatives

You can learn more about our past education initiatives below.

Hiking Trail

Ontario Trails ICD Projects

Joint Community-Based Research
Project and Educational Initiative

Team: Kelsey Johansen
and Dr. Karla Bolluck
(University of Waterloo)

The Ontario Trails Integrated Curriculum Design (ICD) Projects were a series of joint community-based research projects and educational initiatives being undertaken by the University of Waterloo's Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies in partnership with the Ontario Trails Council and trail organizations across Ontario.

For Winter 2021, organizations included the Bruce Trails ConservancyHastings Destination Trails, and the Hydrocut.

Publications arising from these collaborations, including academic papers, white papers, and other outputs (like Infographics, maps and audiovisual materials) created by members of the Trail Research Hub can be accessed by clicking the button below.

Trekking in Snow

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The Trail Research Hub

Toronto, Canada

© 2024 The Trail Research Hub

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